Frequently Asked Questions

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We will buy your home regardless of the condition, legal work involved or any situation that is preventing you from selling.  Selling your home can be painless, fast, and hassle free with us.  Yes, that’s correct, we can close in 3 days with a cash offer and no closing costs. Get the cash you need, the hassle-free way!

  • I just want a painless process!
  • Homes that need a lot repair/renovation
    • Flooded Basement
    • Mold
    • Hole in the roof
    • Structural issues
    • HVAC
  • Behind on Mortgage Payments
  • Behind on Tax Payments
  • Inherited home
  • Divorce
  • Tenants stopped paying rent
  • Probate (a loved one recently passed away and there is no living will)
  • I do not want 100 people walking through my home
  • Immediate relocation
Its simple! Please fill out the form and we will reach out to you within 48 hours. In a real hurry or want to talk to someone right away?  Just call us at 248-780-0934.  Once we review the form you submitted or chat over the phone, we will schedule a time to look at your property and make you an offer.  If you like our offer, we close in 3 days.  Yes, that’s really all there is.

That’s ok! We generally buy homes in all condition.  In fact, we provide a very competitive offer although the house is in need of these repairs.  How? We have full-time professional staff that can address these repairs cheaper than what it would cost most homeowners to hire a contractor

Yes.  We have been in business for a while and we have processes and relationships in place that are efficient and streamlined.  We do use a title company based in Livonia to facilitate our closings.   Becauase we are making a cash offer, there is no appraisal, no lender and generally no inspection. 

NONE! We pay all your closing costs.

Nope. Our offer is at NO OBLIGATION. Don’t like our offer? That’s ok.  We want you to be as happy as we are when we close.  We enjoy meeting with clients, whether virtually through Zoom, on the phone, or in person.  At the minimum, you will walk away more educated on the market and we are happy to answer any questions of concerns you may have.

ITS OK! Most of the properties we buy falls into this category. In fact, we take pride in renovating these homes for a new family.  And yes, there is just about nothing that scares us away. We frequently buy homes with these issues

    • Plumbing issues
    • I just have too much stuff!
    • Mold
    • Foundation/structure issues, particularly in basements.
    • Water seeping into the basement
    • Roof beyond life expectancy
    • Asbestos tile
    • Old HVAC systems
    • Lead based paint
    • Anything else!

The bottom line, we specialize in handling these issues and we have more than a decade of experience handling these types of repairs.  Reach out to us today for a hassle free offer!

YES, we will buy your home IF you want to sell! We can also work out a creative solution such as a lease in perpetuity or a lease option to buy. If you are in Mortgage Foreclosure, PLEASE CONTACT US IMMEDIATELY.  We understand the importance of housing to our community and displacement/eviction can be avoided.

What if the bank already foreclosed on my home? You have a 6 month redemption period.  What does that mean?  You have 6 months to redeem the property through the County or the purchaser of your home at the auction.  We can exercise your redemption rights and still pay you despite the home going to auction.  Call us for additional information. 

Every scenario is different but we have provided creative solutions to home owners such as leases in perpetuity, lease option to buy and the obvious cash offer paying off the mortgage and preventing any further damage to your credit. Bottom line, if you need help and are in foreclosure, we will find a solution that works for both of us.

Can you direct me to other resources to save my home? Yes, we don’t need to buy a home from every client we speak with.  We can walk you through some common programs available through the State of Michigan such as the forgivable loans through the Michigan Housing Development Association (MSHDA).  

Inheriting a home owned by a parent or loved one can be stressful, emotional and incredibly time consuming. Let us help you! We will pay to have an attorney on our team open a probate if there is no living Will.  If you have a Will or Trust, we will work with the Executor/Trustee to purchase the home.  And if the home needs work, or is full of items that need to be sold, we have relationships with estate sale specialists who can help. 

This is the second most common reason sellers reach out to us. They inherit a home and either cannot keep up with the maintenance costs, the mortgage, or have no need to keep the home. 

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Contact us to uncover ways to build your home’s value and stay ahead in local trends.

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